Andrew is the Independent Chair of the Qualitas Board effective 1 November 2021. Prior to this, he has been an independent Director of the Board of Qualitas Securities Pty Ltd, the Trustee for various Funds since July 2017.
He has more than 40 years’ experience as an equity and commercial lawyer, including in superannuation, trusts, estate and succession planning. He founded Australia’s first specialist superannuation law firm, IFS Fairley, in 1993, having built a reputation as a leading practitioner in superannuation law and practice since 1980. He has been named by the Australian Financial Review as one of Australia’s best superannuation lawyers each year from 2013. He has specialised as a legal advisor to trustees of industry, corporate and public sector superannuation funds.
Andrew founded and then Chaired the Law Council of Australia’s Superannuation Committee for 10 years and maintains a close interest in the development of superannuation law and policy. He recently retired after more than 12 years as the Chair of Equip Super, a $30 billion industry superannuation fund. He is an Industry Director of the Australian Financial Complaints Authority, and previous roles have included Chair of Parks Victoria and Deputy Chair of Tourism Australia.
In addition, he is involved in the philanthropic sector as Chair of the Sir Andrew Fairley Foundation and is also Deputy Chair of the Mornington Peninsula Foundation.
Andrew completed his law degree at Melbourne University and was recently awarded an Honorary Doctorate from Deakin University.
He currently practises as a Consultant to Hall & Wilcox Lawyers in Melbourne.

Andrew has over 36 years’ experience in financial services with an extensive track record across real estate investments, pioneering the alternative credit market in Australia in the late 1990s with a focus initially on mezzanine debt.
He is responsible for overseeing the firm’s activities, setting the strategic direction of the business as well as building and enhancing relationships with clients and investors. Andrew is the Chief Investment Officer for the firm’s debt and equity funds.
Prior to Qualitas, Andrew was a Head of Asia Pacific Real Estate at Babcock & Brown, the Director of Risk at AIDC and a Senior Manager at Bank of America.
Andrew earned a Bachelor of Economics (Accounting) from Monash University and is a Member of Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand and CPA Australia.

Mary has more than 30 years’ experience in leadership, financial services, structured finance, securitisation, capital markets, governance and risk management across a range of financial services institution, infrastructure and not for profit boards.
Mary has served as a Non-Executive Director of Sydney Motorway Corporation, the NSW Government state owned corporation responsible for the construction and management of Westconnex and was also Deputy Chair of the Australian Securitisation Forum. Mary is the former Joint CEO of Resimac Group Ltd. Prior to Resimac Mary worked in Structured Finance in Price Waterhouse Coopers and Macquarie Bank.
Mary is currently the Chair of Plenti Group Ltd, a fintech in consumer finance, a Non-Executive Director of Prospa Group Limited, a fintech in SME finance, Chair of Pitcher Partners and a senior advisor with Gresham Partners.
Mary was awarded the Kanga News Market Achievement Award in 2016 and was made a Fellow of the Australian Securitisation Forum.
Mary holds a Bachelor of Economics from the University of Sydney, is an Associate of the Securities Institute of Australia and a Graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.

Michael has over 45 years’ experience specialising in accounting, taxation and audit of public and private companies.
Michael is a Member and Fellow of Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand, a Registered Company Auditor and a Registered Tax Agent.
Michael established his own practice in 2005, and since then has specialised in advising clients on organisational and business management, taxation, risk and governance matters. Michael has extensive experience with property investors, developers and financiers and in assisting high net worth clients in estate and succession planning.
He chairs and is a member of a number of high-net-worth client family boards, advisory boards and not-for-profit boards.

JoAnne has extensive experience spanning over 25 years across a range of industries. JoAnne was previously a senior client partner in the Advisory division at KPMG and has key strengths in finance, accounting, risk management and governance.
JoAnne is currently the [independent] Chair of Myer Holdings Ltd, and a Non-Executive Director of Challenger Limited. She is also Chair of the Major Transport Infrastructure Board (Victoria). JoAnne was previously a Non-Executive Director of Asaleo Care Limited and Japara Healthcare Limited.
JoAnne holds a Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Laws (Honours) from the University of Queensland and is a Member of Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand and the Australian Institute of Company Directors.

Brian has had over 35 years’ experience in the funds management industry holding senior roles globally.
Brian has previously held roles at QIC as Executive Director of Strategy, Clients & Global Markets, and as U.S. Senior Managing Director, leading QIC’s efforts to foster client relationships and business development opportunities across four offices in New York City, San Francisco, Cleveland and Los Angeles.
Brian has also held roles at AMP Capital Investors as Director of the Client, Product & Marketing division where he was responsible for all institutional, retail and self-managed super fund strategies, and serving as a member of the Global Executive Team.
Brian is a graduate from the Harvard Business School Executive Education Program and holds an Advanced Diploma in Financial Planning and Post Graduate Certificate in Management from Macquarie University.
Brian is a life member of the Association of Superannuation Funds (ASFA), a Fellow of ASFA and the Australian Institute of Company Directors and is a Director of Auctus Investment Group, the Trawalla Group and Chair of Fund Executives Association Limited (FEAL).
Past directorships include the boards of Lonsec Financial Group, Basketball Australia, ASFA and Investment Management & Consultants Association (IMCA).